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Nú er ég byrjuð að lesa rannsóknarsögu í biblíufræðum til að undirbúa mig fyrir mitt ógurlega lokaverkefni.

Fyrsta bókin sem að ég er að lesa núna er eftir Elisabeth Schussler Fiorenzu og heitir In Memory of Her.

Hér er smá af því helsta sem að bar hæst í fyrsta kaflanum!

"Yet as long as the stories and history of women in the beginnings of early Christianity are not theologically conceptualized as an integral part of the proclamation of the gospel, biblical texts and traditions formulated and codified by men will remain oppressive to women".

"Biblical texts are not verbally inspired revelation nor doctrinal principles but historical formulations within the context of a religious comunity".

"Current scholarly theory and research are deficient because they neglect women´s lives and contributions and construe humanity and human history as male. Feminist scholarship in all areas, therefore seeks to construct heuristic models and concepts that allow us to perceive the human reality articulated in androcentric texts ans research".

"All historiography is a selective view of the past. Historical interpretation is defined by contemporary question and horizons of reality and conditioned by contemporary political interests and structures of domination. Historical "objectivity" can only be approached by reflecting critically on and naming one´s theoretical presuppositions and political allegiances".

"To make people feel worthless, society robs them of their pride: this has happened to women. All the institutions of our culture tell us - through words, deeds and even worse silence - that we are insignificant. But our heritage is our power".

"Yet such a recovery of women´s history in early Christianity must not only restore women to history, it must also restore history of Christian beginnings to women. It claims the Christian past as women´s own past, not just as a male past in wich women participated only on the fringes or were not active at all".

"The debate between androcentric scholarship and feminist scholarship does more than indicate the intellectual limitations of the scholars involved in the argument. In fact, it shows a competition between rival paradigms that may exist alongside each other in the phase of transition, but ultimately are exclusive of each other".

"Feminist analysis and consciousness raising enables one to see the world and human lives, as well as the Bible and tradition, in a different light and with different glasses. It has its goal a new feminist engagement and a way of life, a process traditionally called conversion. The discussions of the first part of the book seek to provide new lenses that enable one to read the biblical sources in a new feminist light, in order to engage in the struggle for women´s liberation inspired by the Christian feminist vision of the discipleship of equals".

Hér er á ferðinni flott kona, með góðan boðskap...ég hlakka til að lesa meira!


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1 Smámynd: halkatla

"To make people feel worthless, society robs them of their pride: this has happened to women. All the institutions of our culture tell us - through words, deeds and even worse silence - that we are insignificant. But our heritage is our power".

þetta er náttúrulega sannleikurinn, samt ansi margir sem eru ekki tilbúnir til þess að taka honum. ætli það sé ekki bara einhver leti?

um hvað er annars lokaverkefnið þitt? 

halkatla, 12.9.2007 kl. 14:17

2 Smámynd: Sunna Dóra Möller

Ég fjalla um persónusköpun kvenna í Jóhannesarguðspjalli, aðallega í tengslum við Maríurnar í 2, 12 og 20 kaflanum. Kem inn á Maríu Magdalenu og svo aðrar konur ef að mér finnst vera þörf á til að varpa ljósi á konur almennt í meðförum guðspjallshöfundarins ! þetta er 10ein verkefni þannig að það er svolítið stórt í sniðum en það er bara skemmtilegra að liggja aðeins yfir þessu og þjást hahaha !

Varðandi þessa tilvitnum sem er alveg ótrúlega flott að þá finnst mér svo sterkt þetta í lokin að arfur kvenna er uppspretta valds þeirra! Við eigum svo margar flottar sögur af konum sem að voru svo sterkar......formæður okkar og mæður og það er í krafti þeirra sem að við getum stigið fram og farið gegn þessari menningu sem að gerir lítið úr mennsku kvenna.....mér finnst þetta svo sterkt orðalag

Sunna Dóra Möller, 12.9.2007 kl. 16:41

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Sunna Dóra Möller
Sunna Dóra Möller
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