Smį hugleišing varšandi tślkun!

Nś sit ég og bögglast ķ gegnum ašferšafręši. Eftirfarandi er eftir Ingrid Rosu Kitzberger en hśn skrifar um lesendarżni į sviši kvennafręša!

"The disciples will be sent the paraclete, the spirit of truth, who will be with them forever and will guide them into all truth (Jh. 14.16-17; 16.13)"

"The living water wich Jesus gives will become a spring of water in the believer, welling up into eternal life (Jh. 4.13-14)".

"Re-birth of the spirit implies partaking in its freedom to come and go wherever it wants (Jh. 3.8)".

If we take these promises seriously into account, they might be considered to be at work and effective also in the interpretation of the gospel. The sending of the paraclete empowers us to trust that it is the spirit of truth who guides and shapes the way we interpret. The gift of living water and the effects of rebirth in the spirit empower us to set out on a new path whose aim and destiny are not clearly defined and wich thus reveals itself only gradually in the process. We are also empowered thereby to trust our own inner wells, the water welling up from our own lives and to go ahead with the autonomy trusted to us, and to face the challenge of responsibility for our interpretations. A feminist-theological interpretation of the gospel along these empowering lines emerges as an open ended task, as open-ended as the gospel itself (Jh. 21.25).

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