31.10.2007 | 22:06
Smá fróðleikur fyrir svefninn!
I doubt very much if, in the present age, we shall ever get to the point where we know all there is to know, and understand all there is to understand, about Jesus himself, who hes was, what he said and what he did, and what he meant by it all. But since orthodox Christianity has always held firm to the basic belief that it is by looking at Jesus himself that we discover who God is, it seems to me indisputable that we should always expect to be continuing the quest for Jesus, precisely as a part of, indeed perhaps as the sharp edge of our exploration of God himself.
- N.T Wright.
As with God, so with the Bible; Just because our tradition tells us that the Bible says and means one thing or another, that doesn´t excuse us from the hard task if studying it afresh, in the light of the best known knowledge we have about its world and context, to see whether these things are indeed so. For me, the dynamic of a commitment to scripture is not, "We believe the Bible, so there is nothing more to be learnt", but rather, "We believe the Bible, so we´d better discover all the things in it to wich our traditions, including our "protestant og evangelical traditions, wich have supposed themselves to be biblical but are sometimes demonstrably not, have made us blind. Ans this process of rethinking will include the hard and often threatening question, wether some things that our traditions have taken as literal, should be seen as metaphorical, and perhaps also vise versa-and if so, wich ones.
- N. T. Wright.
A Paris newcomer, I´d never been
Followed by those dark eyes, bewitched by that
Half smile. Meaning, like beauty, teases, dancing
In the soft spaces between portrait, artist,
and the beholder´s eye. But now, twice shy,
She hides behind a veil of wood and glass;
And we who peer and pry into her world
See cameras, schoolchildren, other eyes,
Other disturbing smiles, So, now, we view
The world, each other, God, through prison glass:
Suspicion, fear, mistrust-projections of
Our own anxieties. Is all our knowing
Only reflection? Let me trust, and see,
and let love´s eyes pursue, and set me free.
- N.T. Wright.
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Góða nótt
Ásdís Sigurðardóttir, 31.10.2007 kl. 22:09
Góða nótt, guðfræðinemi
Kolgrima, 1.11.2007 kl. 00:58
Mín bara poetisk fyrir svefn. Sofðu vært og dreymi fallega
Jenný Anna Baldursdóttir, 1.11.2007 kl. 02:24
Góðan dag, gleði, gleði, gleði..! ... Góðir punktar...
Jóhanna Magnúsar- og Völudóttir , 1.11.2007 kl. 08:38
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