27.6.2007 | 18:14
Ég hef eitthvað lítið að segja þessa dagana þannig að ég skellti hér inn einni tilvitnun úr frábærri siðfræðibók sem ég er að glugga í!
"Women and men alike have been socialized to accept this hierarchical system and the necessity of domination in order to preserve social order. A liberating ethic must be concerned with more than discrete acts of injustice, including acts of violence. It must be also focus on social structures and their negative, dehumanizing impact on people. The fact that the overall social relationship between man and women is oppressive has consequences for the moral character of men and women. Participating in and benefiting from oppression warps men´s characters and makes us fearful, distant, controlling and rigid. Male gender privilege desensitizes us to injustice and allows us to evade full knowledge of our impact on others."
"For example, men who batter their intimate partners are forceful but not powerful, or at least not powerful in any meaningful sence. Batterers wield coercive, unilateral power-over, but they are not powerful in the sence of exercising relational, moral power as power-with-and-for one another. Moral power sustains relationship with others. Each person is affected and humanized by the interaction. Violent men, however, operate not from a stance of being powerful and secure in themselves, but from powerlessnes and fear of not being recognized as worthy. Paradoxically, a liberating ethic must therefore encourage men´s gaining power in the sence if enhancing their self-esteem and at the same time deepening their respect for others, especially women and children. Men need a strong sence of their inherent dignity as human beings. They need to claim their power to build relations that promote mutuality, not domination and exploitation. We men need to trust, deep in our souls, that our lives are important, but we need also to sustain that knowing in conjunction with our knowing that women´s lives are as important as our own. We share a common humanity".
Marvin M. Ellison
A Liberating Ethic of Sexuality
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